2024年2月26日,位于南非的Meetings Africa展会盛大开幕,这是非洲大陆首屈一指的商务及会奖旅游展。今年的Meetings Africa不仅延续了以往的辉煌,更在内容和形式上有所创新,为与会者带来了全新的体验。

On February 26, 2024, South Africa proudly welcomed the grand opening of Meetings Africa, the continent's premier business and incentive travel exhibition. This year's Meetings Africa not only continues its tradition of excellence but also introduces innovations in content and format, offering attendees an entirely fresh experience.


Under the theme " Africa’s success built on quality connections, encapsulates the essence of our commitment to fostering meaningful connections between African exhibitors and global buyers", this year's exhibition focuses on deepening the exchange and cooperation between African exhibitors and global visitors. Notably, two new exhibition areas - the Development Zone and Aviation Pavilion - draw particular attention. The Development Zone is dedicated to the growth of Small Micro Medium Enterprises (SMMEs), providing a platform for these businesses to showcase their strengths and expand their influence. The Aviation Pavilion highlights the critical role of the aviation industry in the meetings and tourism sector, demonstrating the value and potential of aviation partnerships.


The exhibition has attracted 382 exhibitors, 389 buyers, and over 3000 expected visitors, offering a wealth of networking opportunities and expansive collaboration spaces. Additionally, the inclusion of new members from Egypt, Côte d'Ivoire, Tanzania, and Zambia injects new vitality into the event.

Meetings Africa不仅是一个商务平台,更是一个文化的交流平台。通过此次展会,南非丰富的旅游产品和服务得以向全世界展示,进一步推动了南非旅游业的发展。同时,展会也为全球游客提供了一个了解南非、感受南非魅力的窗口。

总的来说,2024年的Meetings Africa展会在促进南非与全球的联系、推动南非旅游业发展方面取得了显著成效。未来,我们期待更多类似的展会和活动,为南非的发展注入更多动力。

Meetings Africa is more than a business platform, it's a cultural exchange platform. The exhibition showcases South Africa's rich tourism products and services to the world, further promoting the development of the country's tourism industry. It also provides a window for global visitors to understand and experience the charm of South Africa. Overall, the 2024 Meetings Africa exhibition has significantly contributed to enhancing South Africa's connections with the global community and promoting the development of its tourism industry. Looking ahead, we anticipate more events and activities that will inject further momentum into South Africa's development.


Supporting Sustainable Development and Local Handicrafts, 20 South African sustainable brands to Showcase Unique and Sustainable Products

Meetings Africa致力于推动可持续发展和扶持当地手工艺者,因此欣然宣布,在即将到来的2024年展会上,将有20家供应商展出他们别具一格的环保产品。这些产品包括玻璃制品、皮包、配饰、珠宝、蜡烛、帽子等,不仅展示了创新和可持续性,还体现了对当地文化和传统工艺的尊重与传承。

Meetings Africa is committed to promoting sustainable development and supporting local artisans, and is pleased to announce that the upcoming 2024 exhibition will feature 20 vendors showcasing their unique eco-friendly products. These products, including glassware, leather bags, accessories, jewelry, candles, and hats, not only highlight innovation and sustainability but also respect and perpetuate local culture and traditional craftsmanship.


As one of the highlights of the event, the "Sustainability Village" will offer attendees an immersive experience beyond traditional conference products. This unique exhibition area will allow delegates to personally witness South Africa's sustainable development practices and how local artisans incorporate eco-friendly principles into their product creation.

Meetings Africa可持续发展村

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南非国家会议局MIC销售总经理Bjorn Hufkie对此次活动充满期待。他表示:“可持续发展村一直是非洲会议的一个标志性特色,今年我们更是荣幸地邀请到了20家南非供应商参与。这些供应商带来的产品不仅宣传了他们的企业,为南非经济做出了贡献,我们还特别邀请来宾挑选一件心仪的南非特色物品带回家,作为他们此次旅程的纪念。”

Bjorn Hufkie, the MIC Sales at SA National Convention Bureau, is filled with enthusiasm for this event. He stated“The Sustainability Village is an iconic feature of Meetings Africa, and this year, it will feature 20 proudly South African vendors. Through the products, we not only promote these businesses and contribute to our country’s economy, but we also invite guests to select a piece of South Africa to take back home with them” 

Meetings Africa可持续发展村

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这一举措不仅展示了Meetings Africa对可持续发展的坚定承诺,也为当地手工艺者提供了一个展示才华和拓宽市场的平台。通过这样的活动,Meetings Africa希望能够进一步推动全球对南非文化和可持续发展的关注与支持。

This initiative not only showcases Meetings Africa's firm commitment to sustainability but also provides a platform for local artisans to display their talent and expand their market. Through such events, Meetings Africa hopes to further drive global attention and support towards South African culture and sustainable development.


Future Leaders Forum: Inspiring South Africa's Business Events Rising Stars to Compete on the Global Stage

2024年Meetings Africa展会还将迎来一场精彩纷呈的未来领袖论坛。该论坛旨在发掘并激励在商务会展领域具有潜力和热情的年轻才俊,为他们提供一个展现自我、角逐全球荣誉的舞台。

The 2024 Meetings Africa exhibition will also welcome an exciting Future Leaders Forum. This forum is designed to discover and inspire young talents with potential and passion in the business events sector, providing them with a platform to showcase themselves and compete for global honors.


As a unique opportunity, the South Africa National Convention Bureau (SANCB), in partnership with the Southern African Tourism Educators of South Africa (TESA), invited nominations of three top-performing students from universities across the country to compete for the opportunity to represent South Africa on the global stage.

优胜者将获赞助奖励,包括参加2024年法兰克福IMEX论坛的机票、住宿津贴,并有机会与MPI专家交流,提升技能。来自茨瓦内北方学院的James Kgabo和Hlolohelo Zwane,以及西北大学的Anaïs Saayman将在论坛上展示提案。期待他们在国际竞赛中的表现,并共同期待他们为南非和全球会展业做出贡献。

The victor will receive sponsored rewards, including flights, accommodation, and a travel allowance to attend the global Future Leaders Forum at IMEX Frankfurt in May 2024, and the opportunity to interact with MPI experts and enhance their skills. The finalists, James Kgabo from Tshwane North College, Hlolohelo Zwane from Tshwane North College, and Anaïs Saayman from North-West University, will present their proposals at the forum. We look forward to their performance in the international competition and eagerly anticipate their contributions to the South African and global business events industry.

三位优秀学生从左至右:James Kgabo, Hlolohelo Zwane, Anaïs Saayman

© meetingsafrica

随着Meetings Africa 2024的圆满举办,南非再次向世界展示了其独特的魅力和潜力。今年的展会为来自四面八方的参与者提供了一个丰富的交流平台,打开了合作的新视野,并以新颖的内容和形式为南非的商务与奖励旅游领域注入了蓬勃生机。

With the successful hosting of Meetings Africa 2024, South Africa once again demonstrates its unique charm and potential to the world. This year's exhibition provided a rich platform for interaction for participants from all corners, opened new vistas for cooperation, and injected vibrant vitality into South Africa's business and incentive travel sectors with innovative content and formats.


Looking forward, we eagerly anticipate more exhibitions and events that will continue to inject relentless momentum into the development of South Africa and the broader African continent. At the same time, we have high hopes for these talented young stars, expecting them to shine on the future business events stage, contributing their wisdom and strength to the progress of the industry in South Africa and globally.

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